Tuesday, November 15, 2011

unintended repeating keystrokes When accessing VMware console over high latency/low BW connection

power off VM
 Modify VMX file -> keyboard.typematicMinDelay = "2000000" (sets keyboard repeat to 2 seconds)
  (Either through text editor or , edit settings , options , general , configuration parameters , add row)
Power on VM

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"NMI - Undetermined Source" when patching esxi 38XXXX to 50XXXXX on HP DL380 G6

Recieved an NMI - Undetermined Source on 2 hosts while patching our ESXi Servers.
This affected 2 of our DL380 G5 with Xeon 5550 CPU's
NMI is a non maskable interrupt , so i immediately assumed it was a hardware issue
when i saw the first host fail , when the second host failed i thought it was too much of a coincidence.
As the hardware was all on the HCL for ESXi i knew it wasnt unsupported hardware.
I noticed the BIOS firmware on both 380 G6's was the same very out of date (late 09) version, i downloaded the current version (06/07/2011) I flashed the BIOS and this resolved the problem.

Friday, November 4, 2011

powershell script to find VM disk status

foreach ($vm in Get-VM) {
$vm.extensiondata.Config.Hardware.Device |
Where {$_.DeviceInfo.Label -like "Hard Disk*"} |
Select @{N="VMname" ; E={$vm.Name}},
@{N="HD" ;E={$_.DeviceInfo.Label}},